As an hotel, you are considered to be “Establishments Receiving the Public” (ERP). As such, you must comply with the EL18 standard related to the maintenance of security systems. Your vigilance on controls must be reinforced when you resume your activities. After a long period of shutdown, a sudden restart can have unfortunate consequences on your safety generators. The electrical load bank enables you to anticipate any breakage or malfunction of your electrical equipment.

In terms of safety, legislation changes regularly and it is everyone’s obligation to be in regulatory compliance with your electrical installations such as the generator installed in your hotel establishment.
ERPs, depending on the classification of the building, are subject to safety and fire-fighting obligations at the time of construction and during operation. Hotels, such as boarding houses (Type O and OA for hotels and restaurants in altitude), are in the 5th category (establishments with a number of people below the threshold depending on the type of establishment).
“Safety generating sets must be regularly maintained and tested at the following minimum intervals: monthly automatic start tests with a minimum load of 50% of the power of the set and operation with this load for a minimum of 30 minutes. »*.
ERP – Order of 25.06.1980 approving the general provisions of the safety regulations against the risks of fire and panic in establishments open to the public – Article: EL18: (Book II – Title 1 – Chapter VII – Section 4, maintenance of electrical installations)
Maintenance & test procedure on your safety generating sets
Like a car, if a generator set does not run or without a power load, the risks are multiplied: fouling, damage, reduction of maximum performance, uncertainty of maintaining full power… and the safety of people, processes and equipment can be compromised. Safety must be your priority. It is therefore essential to implement tailor-made technical solutions and procedures adapted to your installations to ensure their maintenance, operation and checks.
As the manager of a hotel establishment: you have 2 obligations to control your generating sets
#TEST: On load, is your safety source functional immediately?
80% of failures occur at nominal temperature and power.
#MAINTENANCE: In operational condition and under load, will your safety source be functional later?
80% of premature ageing is due to too low temperatures and power ratings.
The test and maintenance procedure for your generator set :
What do you have to do to be in compliance:
- Every 15 days → Static inspection → Check levels: Oil, Water, Fuels, Start-up energy, Temperature.
- Monthly → Dynamic inspection → Real test: Automatic start, Minimum load of 50% for at least 30 min.
- Record the interventions and their results: Keep a maintenance record available to the safety commission.
- Once a year → Official inspection of the approved organization: Attend monthly tests and check that the EG’s maintenance logbook is kept up to date.
(Re-)opening your hotel: avoid breakage and comply with regulations!
The containment related to COVID-19 has put all of your electrical installations in total or near total shutdown. Today, don’t take the risk of breakage during the resumption of activity, which will add a financial overload, which is unwelcome in this period of economic crisis.
In addition, there is a risk that regulatory controls may be multiplied by recognised organisations. Do not risk endangering your establishment, your staff and your customers by not being vigilant about mandatory controls.
You should also protect yourself from external incidents, such as a clean break in the mains supply. Plunging your establishment into darkness puts all emergency evacuation lighting systems and the power supply to security installations on the ropes.
The load bank: test your generating sets in real conditions and in complete safety
The major advantage of using a load bank is the power test in real conditions and in complete safety.
The load bank will be able to:
- Do not disturb the installation (users, process, equipment)
- Test in complete autonomy (power handling, engine balancing, leak detection, good cooling, electrical connections, operational turbo, automatic control command)
- Cleaning the injectors
- Decalibrating exhausts
- Limiting cylinder glazing
KVA Applications, your technical partner in your business recovery
With a single point of contact for adapted advice, KVA Applications is at your disposal for :
- permanent assistance
- a setting in conformity of your electrical installations
- and ensure that you can resume your business in complete safety.
To find out more :
- A load bank, what’s that for?
- Low load profile: what impacts on my power generator ?
- Power generator test: some preventive actions (thanks to load bank)
- How to manage a cold re-start of your electrical equipment & power sources after a shutdown?
Do you have any questions on test and measure of performance of your electrical & power sources ? Need a quote for a electrical load bank project? Need a load bank price ? Please contact us!