Applications » Aeronautics


Load banks
that meet the constraints of aeronautics

KVA Applications has extensive experience in electrical generator testing
used in aeronautics (airplanes and helicopters) subject to specific electrical standards

Load banks for voltages and frequencies specific to aeronautics

It is absolutely necessary to ensure that an aircraft’s electrical network is working properly and that it is perfectly tuned in test laboratories before flight tests. For this reason, the importance of flight safety requires the use of highly reliable and operational equipment. The load banks designed and manufactured by KVA Applications fully assume their role of validating this high-tech equipment, before any boarding as well as during maintenance operations.

We manufactured the electrical test benches for the validation of the A380 as well as the Tiger helicopter, requiring tailor-made equipment:

  • Alternating frequency and voltage;
  • Combined with direct current components,
  • Aero connectors;
  • Atypical power levels;

Load bank in aeronautics

A specific reization of load banks

The skin effect, i.e. the flow of electric current over the surface of the components, and not over their entire cross-section, becomes a real constraint when the frequency is increased. At 400 Hz, this effect requires the resizing of all load bank elements, which is the core business of KVA Applications.

A test bench for runway generator sets (GPUs)

Runway generators provide power to aircraft on the ground for both economic and ecological purposes, taking over from APUs. Thus, the availability of these groups is crucial to minimize the aircraft’s downtime. Regular tests on our specific 400Hz load bench then ensure the proper functioning of these generator sets.

Discharge Benches for Continuous Components of Aeronautics

Each aircraft has a direct current circuit as well as backup batteries. This is why it is necessary to be able to test them, during production or during regular maintenance, via a discharge bench. The purpose of these tests is to ensure the proper functioning of emergency and safety systems.


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